The Fourth Prayer is a powerful, thought provoking story with a strong Christian message. It is the tale of four disparate people – a pastor, a fugitive, a runaway orphan, and an alcoholic vagrant. All of them say a heartfelt prayer – each one’s more desperate than the last. Their lives then come together when those prayers are answered. But how they respond to the answers they are given will dramatically affect their futures – in this life, and possibly the next. Occasionally disturbing, at times humorous, but ultimately inspiring, The Fourth Prayer is a moving account full of loss and regret, but also of hope and redemption. Although set in England, this is an uplifting tale told for all Christians, no matter where they may live. But non-Christians may also enjoy it, and even appreciate the moral it contains.
(Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash)
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Leaving the organisation of Jehovah’s witnesses usually results in being shunned. This often means all family and friends turning their backs, never to speak to the offender again. They are told that by being expelled, or worse, by disassociating from the religion, they have been denounced by Jehovah God himself. Former Witnesses are often left traumatised, scorned, and spiritually adrift. Some reject God altogether.
S. P. Muir's booklet ‘From a Witness to Faith’ shines a light on his own experience, and how it took him on a path to true freedom of worship in Jesus Christ. Once a Jehovah’s Witness himself, Muir describes how he overcame the deep indoctrination of the sect, and how he at last found peace and joy in a close personal relationship with the Lord.
This booklet offers a ray of hope to all former Witnesses that neither preaches nor instructs. It simply signposts a route that's worth exploring.
(Photo by Leon Rohrwild on Unsplash)
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